PHYSICS 47100EF SPRING 2018 (MR410) M 4:00-5:00 (Lab: MR422)

Professor: Mark Shattuck (

Office: Steinman Hall T1M-16 x8161, (MR419)

Office Hours:  M 2:00-4:00 (MR419)



An Introduction to Error Analysis,

John R. Taylor.

Experiments in Modern Physics,

Adrian C. Melissinos and Jim Napolitano.

Lab Manual:


 Mon. Feb. 12

1st Lab due (No Class, but labs still due)

 Mon. Feb. 26

2nd Lab due

 Mon. Mar. 12

3rd Lab due

 Mon. Mar. 26

4th Lab due

 Mon. Apr. 16

5th Lab due

 Mon. Apr. 30

6th Lab due

 Mon. May 14

7th Lab due (No Class, but labs still due)

 Mon. May 28

Absolute Last Day to turn in Labs

 No Class

3/5 (APS March Meeting), 5/14 (China)| 2/12, 2/19, 4/2 | Tues. Class 2/20


General Information


Attendance: Class sessions will focus on discussion of concepts, relevant theory for the experiments. Regular attendance, on-time arrival, and participation in entire class are required. The real work will get done at the lab (MR-422). Attendance of one 3-hour lab session per week is required, and every experiment should be completed in two lab sessions over 2 weeks. Robert Suhoke is in charge of the Lab (


Reading Assignment: The text material is covered in the lab description. You should read the corresponding sections in the lab manual before coming to laboratory. You may have to look up relevant textbooks for detailed information on some of the materials.


Grades: Grade will be based on the lab accomplishments and the laboratory reports. To obtain full credits students must submit the report before or on the due date indicated above. Overdue reports will be degraded at rate 10% per week. The reports should be submitted electronically as a PDF file to The e-mail subject line “P471 last name report #N” must be indicated.


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: The CCNY Policy on Academic Integrity will be strictly adhered to. The document entitled, “CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity” is available from the link at the bottom of the CCNY Home Page. Make sure you have read the details regarding plagiarism and cheating, and be clear about the rules that the college follows. Cases where academic integrity is compromised will be prosecuted to the fullest extent according to these rules.